Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013

Don`t forget to bake! *** Christmastime is here ***

Helloh my dear people,

sorry for the lack of recipes at the moment. SURPRISINGLY (like it is every year so surprising), pre-christmas-time came over me and ate me.
I already had to to bake something, but no time for photographs and recipe writing---argh! I miss it, but I am working a lot at the moment and have to...decorate the room, buying christmas gifts, swimming (I do swim training right now!), visiting my best friend (who moved a bit farer away than it is easy to just come around), cooking our daily dinners, writing christmas post....I really really miss a calm time to take photos.

BUT... what is very important is, that a lot of people bake cookies now.
Please don`t miss my favourite recipes, my everyyear beloved cookies - I posted them last winter.
Here are the shortcuts - enjoy! Every single cookie is awesome tasty!






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