Well, I really thought about posting this recipe.
I ALSO thought about giving this cake away for friends to eat. The reason is: THIS is HARDCORE stuff. I mean, have a look at the ingredients. It just makes you FAT by reading! I really forbid Timo to eat too much (normally he knows no limits there, ehehehee!), because I thought he probably gets a choc-shock or something like that.
But I realized that this is MY panic. I get fat just by writing the word "chocolate" or "sugar" (I am popping up at that moment, really, I can FEEL it). I always have to check if something is too much or have to ask the question "Do I really really REALLY want to eat that sinful thing there?"... it`s a family thing. Ma parents, my sisters...we all have the same damn problem.
I am fortunately in love with sports or walking. I love to go for a long walk, to do Yoga or to swim, I ride my bike, and I would even do more sports if I haven`t that many hobbies...painting, drawing, cooking, photography, playing my blues harp, languages, travelling...ufh!...
So, I think this helps to enjoy my hobby as a cook/photographer without rising like Barbapapa.
Probably you out there have the luck, that you can eat as much choc as you want OR you don`t care avout that calory-shit, because you just think about enjoying life :)
If yes:
This is your recipe.
But beware! This is no "beautiful" cake. It cracked out of my cake pan into pieces, bits and cracks of choc cake, it was sticky and made my hands dirty immediately (I just licked it off, I am not a decent person :)). But this makes it even more seductive - you can just let it drop into cream and pick it out with a fork or your fingers. No decency, no etiquette...just lust for chocolate. HOORAY!
Sinful Choc-Redwine Bits
...serves dependent from for how many you are brave enough
> 340 grams of butter
> 340 grams of chocolat, chopped in rough bits (preferably dark chocolate...or mixed with whole milk choc)
> 50 ml red wine
> 260 grams of sugar
> 6 eggs
> optional: whipped cream
Method:>> Preheat oven to 170 °C /340 °F (top-/ bottom heat)
>> seperate eggwhite from eggyolk. Beat eggyolk.
>> Prepare your cake pan: cover with baking paper or grease & flour it
My baking tray was quadratic. You can also use a round one. 25cm diameter.
>> Prepare a hot water bath. That means: Heat a bit of water in a pot (low heat, no cooking, just a bit of heat and steam!) and put a heat resistant bowl over it. It should not get in contact with the water. Add in there your chopped chocolate and butter and melt, stir it here and there. Put aside and let cool down for abou 20 to 30 minutes.
>> After cooling down, add redwine, 200 grams of sugar and the beaten eggyolk. Stir until smooth.
>> Beat eggwhite, add rest of the sugar and beat until very stiff.
>> Mix half of your eggwhite mass into your choc mass. The other half,fold in gently.
>> Put into your baking tray and put into oven for 45-50 minutes
>> Take out and let cool down for 20 minutes. Unhinge carefully and put on a cooling rack.
>> Cut into pieces (if it really came out in one piece :)) or break in pieces.
Cover with whipped cream or choc/vanillasauce, sprinkle with icing sugar or whatever comes in your mind. Or eat it just pure. But in every case: ENJOY and don`t think about calories :D
Sündige Schokoladen-Rotwein-Stücke
> 340 Gramm Butter
> 340 Gramm Schokolade, gehackt in grobe Stücke (am besten dunkle, aber kann auch je nach Präferenz mit Milchschokolade gemischt werden...aber trotzdem: besser ist dunkle!)
> 50 ml Rotwein
> 260 Gramm Zucker
> 6 Eier
> optional: Schlagsahne, Vanillesauce o.ä.
>> Ofen vorheizen auf 180°C (Ober/Unterhitze) oder 160°C Umluft
>> Eier trennen. Eigelb schlagen.
> 340 Gramm Schokolade, gehackt in grobe Stücke (am besten dunkle, aber kann auch je nach Präferenz mit Milchschokolade gemischt werden...aber trotzdem: besser ist dunkle!)
> 50 ml Rotwein
> 260 Gramm Zucker
> 6 Eier
> optional: Schlagsahne, Vanillesauce o.ä.
>> Ofen vorheizen auf 180°C (Ober/Unterhitze) oder 160°C Umluft
>> Eier trennen. Eigelb schlagen.
Kuchenform vorbereiten: Am besten mit Backpapier auskleiden oder
einfetten und mit Semmelbröseln ausstreuen. Jedenfalls ist der Teig
sowieso am Ende recht feucht.
Meine Backform war quadratisch, es geht aber auch eine runde (25 cm Durchmesser)
Heisses Wasserbad machen, sprich: In einem Topf ein paar Zentimeter
hoch Wasser auffüllen, hitzebeständige Schale drüber (sie sollte nicht
das Wasser berühren) und LANGSAM erhitzen (das Wasser darf nicht
>> Schokoladenbruch und Butter reingeben und schmelzen lassen, ab und zu umrühren.
Beiseite stellen und 20-30 Minuten abkühlen lassen.
>> Nach dem Abkühlen Rotwein zufügen, 200 Gramm vom Zucker und das geschlagene Eigelb. Schlagen, bis die Masse cremig ist.
>> Eiweiss steif schlagen, dabei den Restzucker einrühren, weiterschlagen bis es sehr steif ist.
>> Die halbe Eiweissmasse in die Schokoladenmasse einrühren. Die andere Hälfte vorsichtig unterheben
>> In die Kuchenform geben und in den Ofen tun, für 45-50 Minuten backen.
>> Aus dem Ofen nehmen und in der Form 20 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Vorsichtig rausheben und auf ein Abkühlgitter legen.
>> In Stücke schneiden oder brechen (falls es nicht schon von alleine zerbröselt ist)
>> Mit Sahne, Vanillesauce oder sonstigem servieren.
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