Sonntag, 24. März 2013


I have these strange moments when I am on the market or somewhere where you can buy food, whereever, and see something that I know just from hearing but never prepared it yet by myself.
For example; I have been to the Languedoc (France) with my best friend last may, and we went on the marché du jour. I saw these awesome artichokes....I only knew them from pizza, from not-so-good-pizza, and I do they taste when they are prepared fresh???
Well, we bought some, and really: I HAD NO IDEA how to prepare them.
So first, I anatomized it, peeled off, cutted, twitched and picked....
Finally I called my boyfriend in germnay, he had to google it for me. That was quite funny, because he is absolutely not that "kitchen-boy".Now, he had to help me with THAT!
At the end, after a bunch of work, because we wanted to leave the artichoke in a whole and had to peel out the hay inside with a small spoon (we didn`t know any good trick to do it with less effort) we had a wonderful dinner with fresh fish and artichokes, olive oil and baguette.
It was worth the work!

The same happened to me on the market when I saw dried mushrooms.
Until I was something about 20, I HATED mushrooms, especially cèpes. I had a bad experience when I was a kid, so there was an obstacle. But things can change.
So I prepared these Mushroom Tarte,and what can I say?
It was awesome!
It smelled mysterious, it smelled dark, it smelled like I bite into a forest. Mossy, tangy...full! Yeah, I guess I eat now more mushrooms.


Mushroom Tarte

Ingredients:(springform of ~28 cm aperture)


> 700 grams fresh mixed mushrooms
> 35 grams dried mushrooms, different kind (cèpe, morel, shiitake ...)
(you can also take a plus of grams of fresh mushrooms instead of the dried ones. I prefer to have a lot of different ones, but if it is easier for you, take less sorts.)
> 2 shallots
> 1 garlic clove
> 1 small branch fresh thyme (or 1 tsp dried thyme)
> 2 tbsp. olive oil
> 250 grams liquid cream
> salt, pepper
> bit of lemonjuice
> 2 eggs
> a small bunch of chive, chopped
> 1 hand full of grated Gruyère (or another melting, aromatic cheese, not soft)

(you can also buy that one readymade in the counter fridge)
> 250 grams flour
> 125 grams COLD butter, chopped in dices
> a pinch of salt and sugar
> ~ 4 tbsp. COLD water

>> let dried mushrooms soak in hot water at least 1 hour.
>> In the meanwhile you can prepare the dough:
Put flour on a work surface, add butter. Rub butter quick and soft into the flour, until you`ve got little rough flakes. Add salt, sugar and water and combine QUICKLY until you´ve got a dough. Wrap in foil and put into fridge. for at least 30 minutes.

>> Preheat oven to 230°C (air circulation) ( 450°F)
>> Put soakes mushrooms into a sieve, rinse several times with clear water. Let drip down.
Chop all mushrooms (also the fresh ones) into pieces.

>> Peel shalotts and garlic, cut into little dices.  Put off the thyme leaves.
>> Roast shalotts, garlic and thyme gently in olive oil
>> Add fresh mushrooms. Add soaked mushrooms after pressed out all the water.
>> Roast a few minutes. Add cream. Let cook softly for some minutes, until cream boiled down a bit.
>> Flavor with salt, pepper and lemonjuice.

>> Whisk eggs with chopped chives, mix it with the mushrooms. (Leave some chives for decoration)

>> Roll dough out (thin) on a floured work surface, pinch a baking paper into a springform pan (~28 cm aperture) and put dough inside.
>> Your rim should be around 4 cm high.
>> Prick little holes with a fork into the dough.

>> Sprinkle dough base with grated cheese. Put mushroom-egg-mixture on top.

>> Put into oven for 15 minutes. Reduce then heat to 180 °C (350°F), leave the tarte for 10 more minutes in the oven.

>> Sprinkle with leftover chives.


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