Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012
Greek Lamb Fricassee
This recipe is from "Jamie does".
I love those Jamie recipes, because they are not that complicated, but creative - and they aaaalways taste great.
Fricassee / stews are great, because the meat is left, cooking for a few hours, and you can use the time otherwise. It is a very easy and thankful way to cook.
AND you can cook much more, for the other day or for the freezer.
Try it out. It´s ommnommnomm!
Greek Lamb Fricassee
serves 4-6
>> 1200 gramm leg of lamb, deboned, & ut into 4cm pieces
>> 2 onions, finely sliced
>> 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
>> 2 bunch of spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
>> 2 heads of romaine lettuce, washed and finely shredded
>> a bunch of fresh dill, finely chopped
>> Salt and pepper
>> 2 large free-range eggs, lightly beaten
>> Juice of 1,5 lemons.
>> 1 big tsp. Greek yoghurt (or cream yoghurt, 10% fat)
> For the sauce: Stir all together.
For the meatpot:
> Take a large pot. Heat a little bit of olive oil and butter.
> When hot, put the lamb in until browned (~ 7 minutes). Remove meat, put aside.
(You can do that in batches if your pot is too is better for a regular roasted meat)
> Onions, garlic, spring onions >> off to pot for 10 minutes, stiring here and there
(shouldn`t get brown, just soft)> Add meat.
> Add shredded lettuce and dill, cook for a few minutes until lettuce imploded a little.
> Add salt & pepper and fill with water until all is covered.
> Boil, then turn down to low simmering. Cover and let it simmer for 90 to 120 minutes.
> Remove lid, let simmer for more 30 minutes.If more water is needed, add it.
You can try the meat during that 30 minues. If it is tender enough for you, the stew is fine!
> Take the pot off the cooker,let the first heavy heat out. Stir the sauce gently into the stew, for that the egg does not set.
> Let calm down for a few mintutes and then: ENJOY!!!
(serve with whatever you want.....baguette (what Jamie does), rice, potatoes, pasta...and the rest of the greek yoghurt on top)
Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012
Gooseberry Compote
Helloooh everybody!
My computer is bursting from all the pictures I have taken the last weeks. So many stuff I tried to cook, so many tasty things... I will gtry to share the best ones with you.
Summer did not really arrived in Hamburg.
We have that day here, 27th of june, calles "Siebenschläfer" (edible dormouse).
And it is said, if it`s raining on that day, 7 weeks of rain will follow.
What shall I tell you? It rained!
And so, the weather is very changeful. You never know if you should wear something short or long. It is always wrong.
But nevertheless, the farmer markets are full of summer vegetables and summer fruits.
I was crazy about the idea making something with gooseberries.
They only can be bought here for a short time and we don´t have that much. But I love them, because at my parents house where I grew up, we had a gooseberry bush. I ate a few and felt in day, the bush got ill and the fruits were full with dark points.
The bush died, but my love for that fruit did not :)
And so I decided to make a compote I can eat with my homemade icecream.
The best is: Timo doesn`t like gooseberries (the poor guy) and so....I can eat it AAAAALL!
Enjoy the "fruits of your labour" when you cooked the compote. It`s so summerly!
Gooseberry Compote
What you need:
>> 400 gramm gooseberries (red ones are better, they are not that sour)
>> 2 cm fresh ginger
>> 150 ml juice (preferable: red grapes. Depends on yourpersonal likings. Better use something not too strong, like orangejuice. Apple and everything red should work fine, too)
>> 150 ml white wine (if you don`t wanna use alc, take the same amount of juice)
>> 0,5 cinnamon stick
>> 2 tsp starch flour
>> 50 gramm sugar
> Wash the gooseberries and pick off the little pieces on both tops.
> Peel the ginger and hack it as small as possible.
> Mix the starch with a few tablespoons of the juice.
> Spread the sugar into a jar and let it heat slowly...the sugar begins to melt after a time (be patient, attentive and don´t do it too hasty, because if it is going to melt at one point...everything is going verrrrry quickly!)
> When it caramellised to a beautiful light-golden color, add half of the wine and increase the heat.
> Let it cook and stir, stir, stir until the caramel dissolved.
> Add the rest of the wine, juice, ginger and cinnamon stick.
> Boil up.
> Stir the starch into it and let cook for 4 minutes.
> Add gooseberries and let them cook softly with all the other ingredients. But only for 3 minutes, because they burst very quickly!
... Fill the compote into another bowl and let it cool down.
Eat with vanillasauce, joghurt, icecream or whatever you like! Enjoy summer :)
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