Because I`ve got a bunch of other work to do, I have not much time for cooking. And I have even less time for big photography arrangements in our kitchen, because we cook very late at the moment.
Weekend begins now, and I couldn`t wait to try out this recipe!
I had a lot of
beetroot from the farm who sends me fresh stuff every two weeks in my fridge and I asked myself: OMG, what can I do with THAT??
Timo does not like it, and for me, well....4 beetroots are a little bit too much. I found that recipe and *tadaaa* - Timo liked it, because the beetroot is more useful for a
rich, dark color and it takes out the
heavy sweetness from normal chocolat cake recipes.
So it tastes more like a
dark chocolate cake what helps not to eat too much ^o^ ...
I had so much fun in taking photos finally again and I hope you enjoy!
Have a wooonnnnderful weekend! Love!
Little Chocolate-Beetroot-Cakes
(4 portions)
>> 150 gramms beetroot
>> 85 g dark chocolate (min. 70%), chopped, best quality for sure
>> 2 TBSP Rum (if u want)
>> 3 eggs
>> 2 TBSP brown sugar
>> 2 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder, good quality again
- Preheat oven - 200°C
- Grease 4 oven-safe forms, each about 150 ml
- Cook beetroot until soft (that can take time - cut it in dices before cooking, so it`s getting quicker)
- Mix hot beetroot, chocolate and rum in a blender until smooth
- Mix eggs and sugar with the hand-held mixer 5 to 10 minutes - the color should get light and the
mass should be threefold.
- On the bowl edge, fill in carefully the chocolate mass into the egg-sugar-mixture. Scatter cocoa-
powder over it. Mix it caaarefully with a wooden spoon - it must not be perfectly smooth and
- Fill into forms, put into oven.
- Bake it 7-9 minutes - 7 minutes is more for a liquid core, 9 to 10 more for a cake.
- After baking, let it cool down in the forms for 2 minutes. Then turn them out.
The recipe is from the new Jamie Oliver magazine, german version, "Januar/Februar 2012".
It was invented by the british Foodstylist Anna Helm-Baxter. She came to the U.S. to live there and realized, how much sugar is added in the American foodstuff, so she decided to create "sweet" recipes with other things than sugar. This cake for example has only 2 TBLSpoons sugar in it. And a lot of beetroot, but you don`t taste it that much.
I think the idea of Anna is great!
We don´t need that much sugar for can be sweetened through fruits and so on.
Here is Annas Website: